1. President Trump Gives State of the Union Address
There could be no greater contrast to the beautiful image of a mother holding her infant child than the chilling displays our nation saw in recent days. Lawmakers in New York cheered with delight upon the passage of legislation that would allow a baby to be ripped from the mother’s womb moments from birth. These are living, feeling, beautiful babies who will never get the chance to share their love and their dreams with the world. And then, we had the case of the Governor of Virginia where he stated he would execute a baby after birth.
To defend the dignity of every person, I am asking Congress to pass legislation to prohibit the late-term abortion of children who can feel pain in the mother’s womb.
Let us work together to build a culture that cherishes innocent life. And let us reaffirm a fundamental truth: All children — born and unborn — are made in the holy image of God.
MY TAKE: President Trump’s speech was not only one of his best ever, but it also put the major differences between his administration and the Liberals in Congress on display for the whole world to see.
This was a collision of cultures.
On one side stood those with a Judeo-Christian worldview.
On the other stood–or sat–pagans.
The former celebrates life and assigns a high degree of value to hard work, independence, lawful behavior, freedom, decency, and property rights, among other things, while the latter disdains all those things.
In fact, when it came to celebrations, the only time the white-clad women cheered was when the President recognized that there are currently more females in the Congress than at any other time in our nation’s history.
Those women jumped around and cheered and shared high-fives for themselves, but never for those of their constituents whom they ostensibly serve.
Even when the President recognized the intrinsic value of human lives–see the quoted portion above–most of the Democrats sat with faces that were as hardened as their hearts. Others smirked or smiled, and at least one chuckled.
There are many ways to express it, but this is we’re clearly seeing in America:
- Christianity vs. paganism
- Life vs. death
- Good vs. evil
- Light vs. darkness
- Truth vs. lies
- Givers vs. takers
What are we, as Christians, to do?
Pray for our nation and for our leaders. (1 Timothy 2:1–4)
Pray for wisdom to say and do what is right for our country. (James 1:5–8)
Be a vocal proponent for the unborn–speak out for those who have no voice.
Vote wisely using godly principles to guide you and encourage other like-minded people to do the same.
2. Trump Takes Big Stand for Evangelicals at Prayer Breakfast: Here Are the Christian Causes He Defended
Thousands of leaders from different faiths attended the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington, DC, Thursday morning.
President Donald Trump delivered a crowd-pleasing speech, hitting several hot-button issues.
My administration is also speaking out against religious persecution around the world, including against religious minorities, Christians, and the Jewish community…
As part of our commitment to building a just and loving society, we must build a culture that cherishes the dignity and sanctity of innocent human life. All children, born and unborn, are made in the holy image of God.
MY TAKE: The National Prayer Breakfast gave President Trump another opportunity to hit many of the high points from his State of the Union speech.
And he made good use of that opportunity, reemphasizing his commitment to defend the unborn and also speaking up against the rising tide of anti-semitism.
One thing I find refreshing about the President’s participation in the National Prayer Breakfast is that the prayer part of this event is not foreign to him.
By all accounts, the President and many of his closest advisors and staff members participate in daily prayers and Bible studies right in the White House.
And that’s a good thing for which we can all be grateful.
And it’s also a reminder that we should join our prayers to those being lifted from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue on a daily basis.
3. Christian Democrat Responds to Criticism for Praying with Trump: ‘I Pray for the President Regularly’
Sen. Chris Coons (D-Del.) is facing criticism for praying with President Donald Trump during this week’s National Prayer Breakfast, but the Democratic lawmaker isn’t backing down.
In a tweet thread published Thursday evening, Coons said he prays for the president “regularly.” During his prayer this week, the politician asked God to “grant President Trump wisdom, grace, and peace.”
MY TAKE: I am honestly unable to reconcile Senator Coons’ stance on abortion and a few other key issues (but mostly on abortion) with his Christian profession.
However, I’m not the judge and I do appreciate his willingness to join President Trump in prayer.
As Senator Coons prays for President Trump, I believe it is appropriate for all of us to follow Paul’s admonition to pray for all who are in high positions (1 Timothy 2:1–2) and especially for those who profess the name of Jesus while supporting abortion to change their stance and support life.
4. New York State Introduces Molech-Honouring Law Legalizing Abortions Up to Birth
Today, there is a growing trend of not just being reluctantly pro-choice — characterized by the wish for abortion to be “safe, legal, and rare” — but actively pro-abortion, celebrating the right of a woman to murder her child for any reason and at any stage of the pregnancy. People who object to a child being poisoned, burned with saline, or dismembered in the womb are said to be “anti-choice”, opponents of women’s health care, and religious fundamentalists.
New York has recently rushed legislation through that makes it legal to abort a child at any point in the pregnancy, for any reason, up to birth, changing the previous law that banned abortion after 24 weeks, when a child is considered viable outside the womb. This is a far more radical policy than exists at most places in the world. At a time when state-of-the-art medical care makes the survival of ‘micro-preemies’ more and more common, with fewer lasting effects or disabilities, in New York it is legal to abort a child that could exist outside the womb.
MY TAKE: This is an ugly article about the ugly truth that the spilling of innocent blood is still not just practiced, but celebrated.
Do not be deceived–people support abortion for more reasons than simply protecting the lives of mothers.
There are dark forces working among us and the death of each and every baby represents a victory for the devil himself.
5. Faithwire Readers Weigh In With Their Own Inspiring Stories of Choosing Life Over Abortion
This week, Faithwire shared the heartbreaking story of one British couple who aborted their daughter at 22 weeks after learning she would likely be born with Spina Bifida, a serious birth defect that would make life “challenging” for their family. In interviews with several U.K. news outlets, the couple stressed that their decision was one of love and compassion for their daughter, stemming from their desire to spare her great suffering.
The most tragic part of this story, aside from the death of sweet baby Amalie, is that it is reflective of how our society views children, especially those with disabilities. It is a wicked and warped view, absent of any true love or compassion.
Our readers responded to our piece with their own beautiful and deeply inspiring stories of choosing life for their children and loved ones, shattering the modern myth that some lives simply aren’t worth living.
MY TAKE: I shared this story to give us a brief respite–a breather, if I may–from the terrible stories about abortion.
In this piece, we get to share in several sweet stories in which mothers decided to keep their babies even after being warned by “medical experts” that their babies were ill or deformed or had little chance of survival.
Eugenicists would have these human babies murdered because they are, in their minds, potentially “less desirable” than others.
Make no mistake about it–the same dark spirit that drove the Nazis to murder people in order to build a master race is the spirit that led to the murder of nearly 60 million babies last year (see how many babies have been aborted so far this year).
6. ‘Shine a Light on Slavery Day’ Calls Attention to Scourge of Modern-Day Slavery
This week, celebrities, athletes and faith leaders alike painted bold red X’s on their hands as they took part in the END IT Movement, a global campaign to raise awareness about the scourge of modern-day slavery.
Currently, roughly 40.31 million men, women and children worldwide have fallen prey to the slave trade, which takes various forms including bonded labor, forced labor and sex trafficking.
MY TAKE: Maybe you’ve wondered, as I have, about the red X’s on people’s social media profiles or painted onto various celebrities’ bodies.
Well, wonder no more.
The red X is being used to bring attention to the horrendous issue of modern-day slavery and human-trafficking.
I was shocked to read that over 40 million men, women, and children have been caught up in this slave trade.
President Trump acknowledged the issue at the National Prayer Breakfast and it’s an issue to which Christians ought to pay attention.
The END IT movement is growing around the world and the increased visibility of the issue of slavery and human trafficking is leading to greater awareness, increased law enforcement emphasis on combatting against it, and improved laws to reduce the ways in which people can be exploited.
7. Judge Rules University Engaged in ‘Viewpoint Discrimination’ by Penalizing Christian Club Over its Leadership Criteria
[A] federal judge appointed to the bench by then-President Barack Obama has ruled that the University of Iowa “unevenly” enforced its human rights policy when it de-recognized the Christian group Business Leaders in Christ (BLinC) for not allowing a student to serve in a leadership position because he refused to adhere to the group’s biblical beliefs as they pertain to sexuality, but permitted other groups to have specific requirements for leaders.
MY TAKE: In an age where we see so many accounts of Christian and other conservative organizations being stepped on by the courts, this story is one that falls into the “man bites dog” genre.
It’s not a convincing win and it won’t set any major precedents, but it is one that we can put in the “win” column, nonetheless.
For what it’s worth, I think the men in this club acted in a kind way and did their best to accommodate the man to whom they eventually denied the leadership role.
The homosexual–or LGBTQ, etc., etc., etc.–lobby is very powerful, so we know this won’t be the end of the story, but we can enjoy it while it’s here.
8. Cory Booker Asks Trump Judicial Nominee If She Believes Gay Relationships Are a ‘Sin’
Democrat 2020 presidential candidate and New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker prodded a Trump judicial nominee Tuesday over her views on same-sex marriage and even asked if she thought gay relationships were a “sin.”
The 49-year-old Booker didn’t mince words during the confirmation hearing for judicial nominee Neomi Rao about his disapproval with the Trump administration’s push to end Obama’s practice of awarding contracts to employers and nonprofit organizations that have sexual orientation and gender identity anti-discrimination policies. The Obama-era policy likewise banned contracts from being awarded to companies that don’t have LGBT policies.
MY TAKE: I included this story this week because it provides another glimpse into the ways in which pagan culture is interacting with traditional Christian values.
Senator Cory Booker, who has his sites set on a run for president in 2020, has chosen to inject what could be considered a religious test into his interrogation of a presidential nominee.
Of course, the Constitution prohibits such a test, stating, “no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.”
Perhaps Senator Booker ought to re-read the Constitution and think about staying in his own lane.
But the bigger point is, of course, that anti-biblical forces are gaining a foothold in our nation.
Despite the contention of many, our nation was built on a foundation of Judeo-Christian principles, but there are strong forces chipping away at that foundation every single day.
We must remain vigilant and prayerful.
9. Tim Tebow’s ‘Night to Shine’: 600 Churches, 100,000 Kings and Queens
More than 600 churches from around the world hosted special prom events honoring young adults with special needs and disabilities Friday night.
The event is called Night to Shine and it was created by former NFL quarterback and current professional baseball player Tim Tebow.
It’s sponsored by his Tim Tebow Foundation, and it’s described as an unforgettable prom night experience, centered on God’s love for people ages 14 and older with special needs.
“I truly believe that the world is coming together to celebrate the love that God has for every single one of us,” Tebow says.
MY TAKE: Just a sweet story about God’s love for his master creation–mankind.
10. ‘It Was a Miracle’: Freed Pastor Andrew Brunson Celebrated at Big DC Events, Gets to Walk Daughter Down the Aisle
Pastor Andrew Brunson was celebrated at some big events in Washington this week after being freed from two years of captivity in Turkey.
Pastor Brunson made headlines in October 2016, when he was unjustly accused of terrorist-related charges by the Turkish government. Turkey claimed he was a spy, but US officials criticized the government for creating false charges to use him as a bargain for negotiations, and for persecuting him for his Christian faith.
The first event for Brunson this week was the State of the Union on Tuesday night on Capitol Hill. Brunson and his wife, Norine, were guests of US Sen. Thom Tillis (R-NC). Tillis, a representative of Brunson’s home state, helped to fight for his freedom.
The following day, Pastor Brunson attended a celebratory event for his release at Capitol Hill. In his speech reported in Politico and the Christian Post, he thanked evangelical leaders, organizations, and US officials who fought for his freedom.
Brunson and his wife also attended the National Prayer Breakfast on Thursday.
“This Saturday, Pastor Brunson will walk his daughter down the aisle,” Trump said during his National Prayer Breakfast address. “Well, that’s great…Was I invited?”
MY TAKE: Pastor Brunson had a very busy week!
We can be thankful for his release.
But please remember those who remain in chains.
And Finally…
Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.
Ephesians 3:20–21
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Originally published at www.christiannewsdigest.com on February 9, 2019.